On to our anniversary year 2023!

“The same procedure as every year” was not the motto for the end of 2022, but for January 2023. We asked our management Michael and Bernd, what happened in the last year and what we can expect from our anniversary year 2023. (Yes, spo-comm is turning 20!)

2022 or: The year of challenges

Marketing: Hello you two and thanks again for taking the time for our little interview. To start with, please give us a resume of 2022 in 2-3 words or sentences.

Michael Sporrer: In a nutshell: very challenging and yet successful. For me even the most challenging year in 20 years. The major issues were the shortage of components, the resulting difficulties with our supply chains, coupled with constant price increases. Thanks to our good planning and warehousing, we were able to reduce delivery times to a minimum and thus had enormous advantages compared to some of our competitors. Very often the focus was on these issues. Internally, we have optimized many processes and procedures in order to be there for the needs of our customers in a more targeted and faster manner

Bernd Moosmüller: I would give the year 2022 the heading “departure into new dimensions”. Our manpower has increased and we have accompanied many (more) demanding projects. We have overcome many hurdles and tried to control external influences. All in all, I can only agree with Michael: In this year of transformation, we have risen to the challenges.

Reunion with partners

Marketing: Thank you for your detailed insights. One last question about last year. What was the highlight for you?

Bernd Moosmüller: For me, it was finally seeing our partners again. Live not via video conference. In autumn 2022 our partner MSI IPC visited us in our headquarters. The icing on the cake: We received the MSI IPC Award again this year.

Michael Sporrer: (thinks) The whole year was a highlight. We have won great and long-term customers and have grown professionally and personally on many projects. It is particularly noteworthy that we were able to close the year very well despite many imponderables and are looking forward to 2023 with great optimism.

New products, product updates and consulting services

Marketing: What is going to happen next year? What can our customers look forward to in 2023?

Michael: There are definitely some exciting new products and product categories in the pipeline. Among other things, the MSI portfolio will receive updates and something will also happen in the RUGGED series.

##The RUGGED series

Bernd: In addition to the new products, we are already working on expanding our range of consulting services. We want our customers and potential customers to be able to contact us more easily. For example when it comes to projects that require intensive consultation. There will be more information on this very soon.

The favourite Mini-PCs of Bernd and Michael

Marketing: That sounds very exciting, we're looking forward to it. Speaking of products: What are your favorite PCs from the spo-comm range at the beginning of 2023?

Michael: Last year it was the KUMO V for me. Now it's definitely his successor, the KUMO VI. The Mini-PC is simply not an off-the-shelf product, that's what sets spo-comm apart.

Bernd: Still our WINDBOX II Pro.

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