WINDBOX, KUMO and Co. – series of spo-comm Mini-PCs

Learn more about our spo-book series and in what fields they can be found. At the moment our product range offers 15 different Mini-PC series, to which we want to introduce you now week by week, starting with the series of our spo-book BRICK!

Today: The BRICK-series – Our champion in the Kiosk field

With their solid housings, passive cooling systems and up to six COM interfaces, the BRICK i3 7100u and the BRICK J3455E represent the perfect Mini-PC that can resist even adverse circumstances.
If this wouldn’t be enough: The low power consumption and the opportunity to work completely silent with the help of SSDs is integrated in the price.

Does that sound interesting?

##Learn more about the spo-book BRICK series

##Explore all Mini-PCs of the spo-comm product range


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NEW: spo-book BRICK i3 - Perfection in Series

This compact mini-PC, which has been developed and is manufactured in collaboration with MSI IPC, satisfies the highest demands in the field of industrial control and measurement as well as in the POS sector. The robust housing, which can withstand even adverse external conditions, and the outstanding connectivity options make the spo-book BRICK i3 an ideal partner in difficult circumstances.
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spo-comm and MSI IPC: 10 years of cooperation

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