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3 Feb 2022 Know-How

What’s New? Prices 2022 and the DIN-Rail PC

Right at the start of the new year, we have some important news for you. Next to our DIN Rail PC MOUNT Silver for completely new application fields, there’s also an adjusted price list for our product catalogue.
26 Jan 2022 Know-How

Nice to know: What is a DIN Rail mount?

Apposite to our newest product, the MOUNT Silver, which is equipped with a special interface, in this article we want to clarify: What is a DIN Rail mount? How it works, in which areas it is used and why it is important, we explain in this article.
20 Jan 2022 Know-How

The power input of the Mini-PC – Part 3: the control cabinet

A control cabinet brings its own challenges to a power input, since not every PC is suitable for a control cabinet from the outset, some points must be considered. At this point we continue with our current blog series about power inputs for Mini-PCs. We also clarify the necessary features, peculiarities and differences.
7 Dec 2021 Know-How

What’s New? First look at 2022 and Windows 11

Another year comes to an end. 12 months in which also at spo-comm many things happened. Also for the upcoming year 2022 we already have plans for new projects, new products and so many more ideas. For the end of the year we want to give you some news about our new product and about Windows 11.
30 Nov 2021 Know-How

The power input of the Mini PC – Part 2: Vehicle PC

Another power input that deserves its own blog article is the one on the vehicle PC, it also has its very own features and is by now indispensable on the PCs. With this article we continue our blog series “Power Inputs for Mini-PCs" and summarize all features of the vehicle PC in it.
10 Nov 2021 Know-How

The power input of the Mini PC – Part 1: The standard

A connection for Mini-PCs without which nothing runs is the power connection. Since every system is equipped with such a connection, it is time to dedicate a blog series to the different power inputs for Mini-PCs. We're starting with the standard input, which is used most of the times.
21 Oct 2021 Know-How

What’s new? NANO H310 is EOL & Windows 11 now available

In October, Microsoft doesn’t skip out on news round about the topic of Windows 11. Since October 5th the update is available. We summarized what news, bugs and tips there are. There’s also news about our product range: Our allrounder PC NANO H310 is EOL.
6 Oct 2021 Know-How

Nice to know: What is PS/2?

Nowadays the PS/2 interface is barely used, even though its bright colors are an eye-catcher. What this port is used for and which of our Mini-PCs are equipped with a PS/2 port, we clarify in this article.
20 Sep 2021 Know-How

Nice to know: What is SIM?

When it comes to our smartphones or similar devices, we know immediately, what we are inserting a SIM card for. But why is a SIM card so important? The different types and formats of SIM cards and how they work are summarized in this article. And: Why do some of our Mini-PCs have a SIM card?
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